Hilary Putnam
The only way you can avoid talking nonsense is by restricting yourself to banalities. Hilary Putnam
Facing of Necessity
Kurt Vonnegut Facing of Necessity
Peter Brown
A good historian is like a good translator. He brings the meaning out of the past without imposing the meaning. Peter Brown
Umberto Eco
My memory is full of lives of other people. I haven’t lived seventy years; I’ve lived seventy thousand years. Umberto Eco
Kira Muratova
What do I film? Provincial drama. I have no desire for any noise, poise or pride. Kira Muratova
Christopher Ricks
I’ve been to museums that are full of plates, but I’ve never seen a plate that would make any difference to my life. Christopher Ricks
Ilya Kabakov
I was a little child when I realized that living in this world is impossible. Ilya Kabakov
On a Scale from One to Ten
Donald S. Lopez, Jr. On a Scale from One to Ten
Baby Dee
My hope is that I’m not a complete fucking asshole after I’m dead. Baby Dee
Alexander Piatigorsky
London is a kind of disarray where everyone knows how to behave. But separately. Alexander Piatigorsky
Donald Hall
I have something to say that begins me going but my desire in writing it is to make something that is beautiful. Donald Hall
Stanley Cavell
Almost everything I do in philosophy to be derived from this remark: speech comes to an end, the body comes to an end… Stanley Cavell
Gleb Pavlovsky
Man is a kind of play with time, so I decided to use it this way—by including history in my biography. Gleb Pavlovsky
Fran Lebowitz
In strollers, babies, two-year-olds—what are they doing in the museum? They shouldn’t be there! Fran Lebowitz